e-mail:   info@gardenius.com the  copy of the site is available from other locations.
"Satire makes people learn something more than being lectured",
the EU freedom of expression - "Transparency prevents corruption"

  The parallel story is
Kafka Metamorphosis and Greek Mythology
the characters change their shape accordingly
  La Metamorfosis - Franz Kafka | Libro Ilustrado La metamo...  



The recent history of Austria illustrated by the case described below and in a separate scenario/novel.
"the Shadows of the Past" which is prepared by the former UN diplomat, scientist and  Peace Nobel Prize laureate with UN/IAEA.


The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakovwe are intending to see it all in the light of The Master and  Margarita av Mikhail Bulgakov and we like Salvadore Dali


Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A. The NAZI bomb shelter entry, aka Sauna House aka Garden House Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A  was built the during NAZI time  by the Russians Prisoners of War. The house serviced as an entry to the bomb shelter. use of Jewish and POW in building bunkers
"Die Zahl und Orte der Außenlager des Stammlagers Mauthausen bzw. Dachau auf heutigem österreichischem Gebiet sind bekannt und dokumentiert. Viele kleinere Lager jedoch bestanden nur kurz für die Dauer eines Arbeitseinsatzes oder gerieten in Vergessenheit, sodass auch hier ohne Zweifel Lücken bestehen, die sich vielleicht nie mehr schließen."
Geheimprojekte.at | Zeitgeschichte Österreich 1938 - 1945

de-arization more will come
managed by the persons on the right Mr. Stefan Gregor, Altkalksburger och Martin Proteus sold to Mr. Lars Loh  
in Dec 2021 the NAZI bomb Shelter house  aka Garden House Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A was purchased by Mr. Lars Loh.
was built by the grandfather of Mr. Loh during the  NAZI area in order to provide a quick entry to a Bomb Shelter.

The previous discussion often related to Moral Philosophy  between me and Mr. Loh about the similarity of this treffen purchase to the purchased of the arizated property was discussed between me and Mr. Lars Loh. The text will be included in the podcast.
The ex-NAZI Bomb Shelter entry aka Garden House, Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A may be serviced from 2022-01-01
by Immo-Vision, managed by Mr. Alexander Ilieff but personaly I think it is a meschugge idea.

Alexander Ilieff - Geschäftsführer - IMMOVISION Immobilienverwaltung Ges.m.b.H. | XING




We are watching this fantastic series "Shtisel", I am already doing it the second time. Warmly recommended. You can see it on Netflix.






as of today 2021-12-16, strange ideas



Introduction: about me, I am sorry, during the time as a diplomat in Austria I was blind regarding corruption. I woke up after retirement
Because of threats, prosecution and intimidation I had to leave  Austria in 2018 about EXODUS





The two disciples Gregor and Proteus on the left, rented an "illegal" house to us. A series of  corruption, embezzlement, intimidation, threats from various persons  followed.
People are not corrupted but nothing in Austria can be done without engaging in corruption.
the points related to Peter Jordan Strasse



  the Austrian Gallery








Financial Times writes
The people mentioned on this site live in a social body where it stinks from the head. 
Now that the eyes are open we hope that the anti-corruption authoriteis in Austria will look seriously at the case below
  Irony, in 2016, not knowing, I wrote about corruption to the corrupted Foreign Minister of Austria Sebastian Kurz 
  the systemic corruption is based on supression of free speech and intimidation, here is how it was  done in our case
  the past is casting shadows on today's ethos,  the brown haritage 



"Friends with Benefits" 



What Mr Stefan Gregor, Altkalksburger did to remove the disadvantaged  daughter of late Professor Sigfried Wunderer so he could sell the family house of the professor's daughter  Claudia Dietel. What kind morality id it?, not the one i know from my prominent jesuits friends.


Othmar Karas may be a better puppet       Meister Kurz und MEP Othmar Karas    
  Versteigerung jüdischen Besitzes: Das Beispiel der Ida Jauffron-Frank —  Landesbildungsserver Baden-Württemberg      
Mr Gregor (morality of Altkalksburger )and
Mr Proteus has learned from the Kanzlern
  Mr Gregor  (Altkalksburger) has removed the beneficiary of the Wunderer (Prof. Wunderer's daughter) Foundation from her family house    the buyer of the trefne Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A
metaphor of arisiering profiteer





media on the corruption in Austria
Der Spiegel, Neue Züricher Zeitung,
The Jerusalm Post, die Zeit, Swedish TV
more will come
the copy of the communication is send to the listed media

2 Free gagging Images | FreeImage.me - Free Image Search
Due to prosecution for execution of free speech I had to leave Austria in 2018



  These people Gregor and Proteus acted in the Austrian context of corruption and absence of some basic democratic rules, see Die Zeit, and the documentaion of their deeds below.
  Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis are representative and symbols of the  KAFKA.
  The gentlemen try to catch A BUYER to wash themselves from the devil's accusations of the sins of corruption  
  as quoting from the media, these people blow used
"System aus Lügen und Korruption" "breach of trust, corruption"
  Wunderer Privatstiftung (Foundation)  Managing Directors;
Dr. Stefan Gregor, Dr. Klaus Hoffmann, Mag. Martin Proteus
Wunderer Foundation Supervisory Board;
Dipl.Ing. Peter Pelzl, KR Helmut Puchebner, Dr. Franz Radatz
  from a letter to the Antikorruptionsteam,
Magistratsdirektion der Stadt Wien

  the letter to Mr Stefan Gregor and Martin Proteus

Sent: 31 October 2021 18:35
To: 'BMI-III-BAK-SPOC@bak.gv.at'; 'antikorruption@mdpr.wien.gv.at'; 'Gregor@KAFKA.at'; 'stroeck@KAFKA.at'; 'office@KAFKA.at'
Cc: 'post@bmj.gv.at'; 'waehring@gruene.at'; 'alexander.schallenberg@bka.gv.'
Subject: In reference to an ongoing sell of the property Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A, 1180 Wien,
Importance: High  





"Die Leiterin der Wirtschafts- und Korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft, Ilse-Maria Vrabl-Sanda, hat nicht nur aufgrund der jüngsten Ermittlungen zur Inseratenaffäre mit einem Personalmangel zu kämpfen."
We hope that the  Austrian anti-corrupion authorities will find time to review the cases described below.
I assume the WKSTA will review of the sell of two properties in Kitzbühel owned by the Wunderer Pivatstiftung
the letter to the anti-corruption authorities dated 2021-10-21
List of
 corruption accusations

Liste der


Was ist mit Claudia Dietel, der benachteiligte Tochter von Prof. Wunderer, die Begünstigte der Stiftung, die von Herr Stefan Gregor und Martin Proteus aus ihrem Familienhaus entfernt wurde  
was haben Gregor und Proteus mit dem Wundererhaus in Kitzbühl . gemacht?




covering corruption

To: michael.ludwig@wien.gv.at; gerhard.cech@wien.gv.at; christine.gsandtner@wien.gv.at; martina.stock@wien.gv.at; christoph.chorherr@gruene.at; stefan.gara@neos.eu; vfgh@vfgh.gv.at; doris.bures@parlament.gv.at; sebastian.kurz@bmeia.gv.at
Cc: vfgh@vfgh.gv.at; mediensprecher@vfgh.gv.at; service@vfgh.gv.at; protokoll@vfgh.gv.at; alexandra.foederl-schmid@derStandard.at; karl.oellinger@gruene.at; klenk@falter.at; karlheinz.kopf@parlament.gv.at; rainer.nowak@diepresse.com; dietmar.neuwirth@diepresse.com; wien@neos.eu; frans-timmermans-contact@ec.europa.eu; Emmanuel.Crabit@ec.europa.eu
Subject: Propertiesierung, Déjà-vu der alten Zeiten, Denunziation, geheime Prozesse

E-mail to top politicians




The Kurz corruption is at the visible part
the dozen corruption cases described here are the so called "normal" part of the life in Austria. Every politician passes through the hundreds of corruption encounters in professional life.


Jeder Käufer der ein "Korruptions-Objekt" übernimmt wird die Korruption verdecken. Ganz gleich wie bei den typischen Korruptions-Fällen in Österreich. Jeder Nutznieser von Korruption macht sich genauso schuldig, wie die Profiteure bei Zwangsverkauf und Arisierung.  



Zeit für die Antikorruptions Behörden endlich auch in den unzähligen Fällen von Erpressung und Arisierung aktiv zu werden.


Liability associated with the  Garden House Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A 
the full e-mail exchangethe full e-mail exchange







The corruption plot 
so hat alles begonnen,  all began so  
mehr,   more 






how it works
the plot sold for 800 000 resold 4 months later for 1 220 000 is marked yellow, we are occupying the area marked red. To get us out should mean possibility to buld the larger house and use our area as a parking area. 2018  2021 the new house
ENGLISH, Deutsch unter    
   Wunderer Privatstiftung is managed by Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis (www.KAFKA.at) and sells property long under price.   
Sold for EURO 800 000 to company  A.M.T. Unternehmensberatungs-gesellschaft M.B.H, on 09.08.2018, area 580 m2 In 4 month 420 000 Euro was lost
The beneficiary, the handicapped daughter, is losing money. 
4 month later resold for EURO 1 220 000 to Brandstetter Immobilientreuhand Gmbh on 20.12.2018
To  get better price  we were an obstacle and we had to move. 
as anticipated in 2016, and described in plot Plot 
the yellow arrow shows the entry to our house  
In 4 month, Euro 420 000 disapeared 

580m2 Baugrund verkauft für 800.000,- Euro an A.M.T. Unternehmensberatungs-gesellschaft M.B.H am 09.08.2018
Die Wunderer Privatstiftung verwaltet von Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis (www.KAFKA.at) verkauft die Liegenschaft weit unter dem Wert. Die Begünstigte der Stiftung verliehrt nicht nur ihr Elternhaus, sondern auch Geld.
Verlust innerhalb 4 Monaten 420.000,- Euro

4 Monate später, am 20.12.2018 wiederverkauft um 1,220.000,- Euro an Brandstetter Immobilientreuhand Gmbh
Als Betroffene im Jahre 2016 (beschrieben unter dem link Plot) ist dann 2018 alles genauso geschehen wie wir es befürchtet haben. Wir sind ein Hinderniss einen besseren Verkaufspreis zu  erzielen und müssen ausziehen Peter Jordanstraße 93 Die Vermieter  Gregor & Proteus Rechtsanwälte haben den Wert der  Liegenschaft schlecht evaluiert Verlust innerhalb 4 Monaten 420.000,- Euro Der gelbe Pfeil markiert den Eingang zum Haus
Verlust innerhalb 4 Monaten 420.000,- Euro 




Peter Jordan Strasse 93 - before 2019   Peter Jordan Strasse 93 - 2021 
The house of professor Sigfried Wunderer and his disadvanaged  daughter Claudia Dietel   After death of prof. Wunderer, Mr Wurt and Mr. Proteus have removed  the disadvantaged daughter and sold the house
the old house of late professor Wunderer and the family home of his handicapped daughter Claudia Dietel   The new hous is built, the daughter lost her family home




  The main actors   
We rented the house from those people
Mr Gregor and Mr Proteus
Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis
they have also managed the fund which owns our house and adjacent house sold for the price  of 800 000 Euro, 420 000 under the market value. How did it happened.
the gentelmen are representing



"Die Glashäusler"
Eine winterliche Reise zu den Flüssen Donau, Wienfluss, Krottenbach, und Alserbach oder Gerechtigkeit für Juden 


It is always good for some citizens, not named, to remind about arizations and expropriations, and the "innocent" neighbors buying the Jewish property because it was cheap,  i.e. profiting from such situations. It is recommended to read Hannah Arendt "The banality of Evil". The history repeats.



The house we rent was built by the prisoners of war and other prisoners during the II World War, more will come




In order to realize the new construction plans in big format one wanted  to move us out. The buildings authorities were instrumentalized to find some reasons which could allow to remove us from the property.  The authorities conducted mob inspections to find some reason to kick  us out. Some illegal items from 20 years before we moved into the house were found, distruction of the part of the house was done with hope we could give up.





FIRST INSPECTION 27-07-2016 conducted by crowd, subjectively wakes feelings of the past times.
conducted by the building control with the participation of the crowd in order to put us under pressure
it is called ochlocracy - the power of mob -Déjà vu










the old botanical garden  destroyed botanical garden
 Peter Jordan Straße 97-1A


aquatischer BIOTOP is left
that what is left of the botanical garden
Biotop "Zum Fröhlichen Frosch" Peter Jordan Straße 97-1A

live Twitter account
live Twitter account

our approach, legal ground


  blog - perspective key years 2020 - 1968 - 1938 - 1918 ->
Political and philosophical analysis, liberal democracy, neoliberalism,   communism, nazism



The blog related to the social, psychological  historical context of the case described below




english summary


Technische und rechtliche Details



Polizei, korruption
Police and anti-corruption contacts, letter, photos












Manche Elemente der Österreichischen Gesellschaft schreiben zu uns wir wären eine Schande für den 18ten Bezirk
"es kommt beim Anblick der Fotos eher der Gedanke an Slums und nicht an eine Wohnanlage im 18. Bezirk"
"When you look at the photos, the idea of slums rather than a residential complex in the 18th district comes up.





Such expressions, connote with Anti-ziganism, Antisemitism
addressed to us and aiming to get rid of us are not written in  Austria 1938 but 2016








 Van der  Bellen   

Dear Mr. Van der Bellen as you see the site show the amoral behaviour, without shame, without any social responisbility, formed by the past, in the same way as every human being is formed by the past. 
How our house service Bontus exploits us, still did not pay for the  electricity used in 2018
unscrupulous, amoral landlords Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis








And what the authorities say
The Vienna authorities' standpoint.
"all illigal" but nobody does anything
Dear Ms. Zadic The Vienna authorties admit that Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis  disregarde the regulation from 1996.
see below

  Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis haben uns Peter Jordan Straße Garten Haus  vermietet

  We rented the house from those people
Mr Gregor and Mr Proteus
Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis 
  Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis haben uns das Garten Haus, Peter Jordan Straße 97-1A,  in einem nicht gesetzeskonfomen Zustand 2011 vermietet. Das Haus wurde bereits 1996 von der MA37 beanstandet und mit der Auflage belegt, dass die Terrasse um 60 kvm Beton reduziert werden muss . Nichts wurde aber unter ehem. Wohnbaustadtrat Michal Ludwig  kontrollieret bis auf einmal in 2016 die MA37 unter der Leitung von Gerhard Cech diesen Rückbau eingefoderet hat. Durch diese Rückbauarbeiten im Jahre 2018 befindet sich die Liegenschaft in einem Zustand der vom im Mietvertrag definierten Zustand abweicht.




  Those to people have a roll, both áre responsible what is going on in´the building construction in Vienna.  

  Wohnbaustadtrat Michael Ludwig  kontrollieret bis auf einmal in 2016 die MA37 unter der Leitung von Gerhard Cech diesen Rückbau eingefoderet hat.
  Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis haben uns das Garten Haus, Peter Jordan Straße 97-1A,  in einem nicht gesetzeskonfomen Zustand 2011 vermietet. Das Haus wurde bereits 1996 von der MA37 beanstandet und mit der Auflage belegt, dass die Terrasse um 60 kvm Beton reduziert werden muss . Nichts wurde aber unter ehem. Wohnbaustadtrat Michael Ludwig  kontrollieret bis auf einmal in 2016 die MA37 unter der Leitung von Gerhard Cech diesen Rückbau eingefoderet hat. Durch diese Rückbauarbeiten im Jahre 2018 befindet sich die Liegenschaft in einem Zustand der vom im Mietvertrag definierten Zustand abweicht.






 click on attachments  to see the picture




  Destration of the part of our house.  
how the gentelmen caused it  
We rented the house from those people
Mr Gregor and Mr Proteus
Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis

Gregor & Proteus arranged this distruction.  We requested a correction in 2018. Nothing was done until today.







Unsere Vermieter Gregor und Proteus Rechtsanwälte .

 behandeln uns ohne jeglichen Respekt und mit erstaunlicher Überheblichkeit. Dutzende Anfragen und e-mails blieben einfach unbeantwortet und wurden ignoriert - soziale Inkompetenz - oder schlicht und ergreifender Mangel and basalem Respekt gegenüber den Mitmenschen? Wer will das wissen? Auf den Bildern jedenfalls kann man das Ergebnis sehen, wie mit unseren Sachen umgegangen wurde, als 2018 die Veranda des von uns gemieteten Hauses unerwartet entfernt wurde. Wir haben Gregor&Proteus Rechtsanwälte  mehrfach über diesen untragbaren Zustand informiert - wie immer ohne Antwort oder eine Lösung des Problems zu erhalten.

Gregor und Proteus arranged to throw our itms in the tent, which was blon away


This is how our  Landlords, Gregor & Proteus  Rechtsanwälte are treating us in a terrible, immoral way with a disrespect for others people. We write dozen of letters and don't get any answer. Is this social responsibility or lack of respect.  On the picture you can see  how our landlords Gregor & Proteus  Rechtsanwälte stored our thing in 2018. (after removing veranda).
We have several times informed our landlords about the conditions. The  house was rented in a illegal conditions. Due to negligence to follow  MA37 recommendation the house had to be partially destroyed in 2018 and the landlords put our things in a tent which blew away in storm. Please take care of it !!! 
  Das Haus wurde an uns in einem Zustand vermietet, der nicht den Vorgaben der MA-37 aus dem Jahr 1996 entsprach. 20 Jahre später wurde nach Denunziation bei der MA-37, die Veranda dann abgerissen und unser Eigentum in einem Zelt eingelagert. Das Zelt hielt dem nä hsten Sturm nicht stand und seither sind unsere persönlichen Sachen der Witterung ausgesetzt. Wie immer hüllt sich die Kanzlei Gregor&Proteus in Schweigen. 
The tent was blown away and the hi-fi video are exposed to weather. We informed Gregor & Proteus without any reaction.

HiFi, loudspeakers, DVD player in the snow weather, the landlors Gregor & Proteus informed but  do nothing







2018 2020
Gregor & Proteus  Rechtsanwälte sold the plot to the right and tolerated destruction of our object.
The constructor destroys our fence, our glass etc.



2018 2020 März
  The newhouse is built, our items are destroyed and thrown on the earth.











2020 distruction  

The landlords Gregor & Proteus arrange to put our items in the tent !!!
Pictures of distruction
Peter Jordan Straße 97 1A
Der vom Eigentümer beauftragete Vermieter Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis, bringt jetzt erst 2018, die Liegenschaft in den Zustand, wie schon 1996 von MA37 (Gerhard Cech) gefordert.



the old botanical garden destroyed by consolidated corruption 


  Exodus (Vertreibung)
 Our exodus (Vertreibung)   below is semantically using the same denotation as the exodus to the right but it has totally different connotation
We were cheated (consciously or unconsciously) by Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis renting us a garden house in the "illegal state"
Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis renting us a garden house in the "illegal state" caused exodus.
the plants were loaded into a trailer and hre they go to Sweden

Some expelled plants go to Sweden
are they  the Pharaohs ?
preparation for the exodus
the destroyed botanical garen
What was left,  see photos by Ms Ursaula Pfaffenbichler   comming soon ( )  




telos THE INTIMIDATORS from Telos on behalf of Friedrich Mullner and Matthias Koffer for our use of free speach prevents me to return to Austria



Telos,  the legal agents of the real estate managers, who keep me out of Austria, censor free speech in Sweden, and ask to pay for my own  prosecution, and an  excellent example of the EU values.


lawyers strange practices
How the lawyers are instigated to intimidate us
in 2016
The lawyer firm Telos is used by Koffer House Service to intimidate and threaten us
  and in 2018   we had to leave Austria
Is this Rule of Law in Austria?
complains to the Vienna Lawyer Association are  still not answered since 2016
Vienna Lawyer Association  is silent, what gives place for intimidation, fraud and corruption 



Kapo-like supervision and denounciations still going on

here is how our neighbour Elisabeth Fröhlich is observing on us  and making  photos and collaborating in denounciations 
"surveillance", picture of our house made from the Ms. Fröhlich window used in the denounciation
window between veranda and the tree where te picture above was taken from, belongs to Ms. Elisabeth Fröhlich







Biotop "Zum Fröhlichen Frosch"   

aquatischer BIOTOP is left
"Zum Fröhlichen Frosch"
Adresse: Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A
1180 Wien
aquatic Biotope, still alive
we pay monthly EURO 688 to keep the biotope alive


  September 2019
Einladung an die österreichischen Antikorruptions-Behörden den dokumentierten Fälle zu prüfen
  invitation for the Austrian anti-corruption authorites to review documented cases 

from www.oureu.org
Austrian anticorruption authorithes are encouraged to be active 
here will come
- correspondence with the Austrian anti-corruption authorities
- correspondence with the EU justice
- correspondence with the international organizations
- correspondence with the journalists
International anti-corruption represenatives, head
The European Partners against Corruption/European contact-point network against corruption (EPAC/EACN)
Andreas Wieselthaler, Austria
President (2016 – present)

Meldestelle "Korruption und Amtsdelikte" (Single Point of Contact)
Bundesamt zur Korruptionsprävention und Korruptionsbekämpfung
Bundesministerium für Inneres
Herrengasse 7
1010 Wien
Telefon: + 43 1 53 126-906800
Telefax: + 43 1 53 126-108583
E-Mail: BMI-III-BAK-SPOC@bak.gv.at


Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A zu verkaufen.
click to magnify
Anscheinend plant die Wunderer Pivatstiftung unser Garten Haus incl. dem Gardenius Biotop Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A zu verkaufen.

It seems Wunderer Pivatstiftung plans to sell our Garden House and the Gardenius biotope Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A
In order to save the aquatic biotope we are considering to buy the garden house

Das Gartenhaus von innen
The Garden House





  The Landlords, Gregor & Proteus  Rechtsanwälte www.KAFKA.at 

possible fraud
 The Landlords, managing a Wunderer Foundation should be advised to sell a property Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A thus possibly framing the buyer.
We are not going to move out and we have a long term contract, what will force the new buyer to get into illigal practices to get us out.
Our friend Professor Siegfried Wunderer left
a. two houses in Kitzbühel
b. two houses in Wien
c. two appartments in Wien
in the Foundation/Stifung in order to provide money for hir handicaped daughter Claudia Dietel

But the Foundation sold
- all poperty in Kitzbühel
- one Claudia's family house in Vienna with
 loses of euro 420 00 in 4 month.
- and then our house is going to be brought on the market.

Anscheinend plant die Wunderer Pivatstiftung unser Garten Haus incl. dem Gardenius Biotop Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A zu verkaufen.
It seems Wunderer Pivatstiftung plans to sell our Garden House and the Gardenius biotope Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A

after partial demolition of the property one year ago, the landlords left the mess, hoping that we will go away

 Is www.KAFKA.at  representative for the Rule of Law obedient Austrian Law





  Corruption, fraud, gagging, intimidation, cheating benificiary, misuse of power postion
all definition according to the EU, UK and Swedish  legislation




Peter Jordan Strasse 97-1A, built in the place designated for the green area and has the following status according to the authorities







corruption close to us and around our house

How structural corruptions, culture and bad habits affected us




destruction of the Gardenius botanical garden
how corruptive structures destroyed our botanical garden in Vienna





the house is not to rent util changes are done. 
how corruptive structures manipulated the authorities since decades
The Garden House plan



Instrumenatlization of Vienna Authorities

Ms Elisabeth Fröhlich, our neighbour at Peter Jordan Strasse 97 and Koffer Hausverwaltung try to instrumetalize authorties 



allowed 6 apartment house miraculously becomes 8 apartment house and our house becomes a sauna rented as a dwelling house


and their goals
allready suspected in 2017

how the destrucion was done
step by step 
The mechanisms of corruption, it has happened so
DAS VORHABEN - THE PLOT - the suspected fraud (description)
What we suspected in 2016 is actually happening
the neighboring house is built bigger then planned
to allow bigger house our perfect dwelling house have had to be reclassified as an outbuilding,  a sauna,


  The State breaks Rule of Law triggering corruption
Donald Trump would say
the Vienna Lawyer Association is FAKE
quesion to the foreign ministry, asking if I can safe return to Austria are not answered,against the requirements of Rule of Law
complains to the Vienna Lawyer Association (RAK) are  still not answered since 2016
letter to RAK




intimidation and expulsion of the Botanical Garden


  BENEFACTOR, our friend
professor WUNDERER 
We continue to pay for the house and the garden in order to maintain the biotope. What solution is our landlord and the Board of the Wunderer Privatstiftung able to offer us.

the garden which was destroyed
Der Garten we lost

The garden is dedicated to our friend

Professor Dr. Siegfried Wunderer
who passed 2015
by creation of Stiftung he wanted to secure future for his chronically medically  "affected" daughter Claudia Dietel
Professor Wunderer's house Vienna Peter Jordan Strasse 93 (picture right) and in Kitzbühel are now sold by the Wunderer Privat Stiftung//Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis.  Professor Wunderer's  daughter Claudia Dietel had to leave the family house. Prof Wunderer was much worried about Claudia s future and created a fund to support her
After death of professor Wunderer,
the fate of his Stiftung,
 sold for Euro 800 000 resold 4,5 month later for Euro 1 220 000
more info on prof Wunderer will come, including video


  EXPLOITERS of the illigal housing condition Gregor & Proteus  
  distruction order came from our landlords Gregor & Proteus metamorphosis  is this KAFKA.at?
Our landlords  Gregor & Proteus  Rechtsanwälte,  Partner www.KAFKA.at  managers of Wunderer Privat Stiftung work in the framework of the new and the old culture. They have rented us a house in a illegal state thus purposefully or not committing a fraud. As the legal system is not able to come our from the shadows of the past.
  destruction arranged by Gregor & Proteus s

our botanical garden was destroyed by forces stemming 'from times years before  our arrival.
demolition initiated by our landlords  Wunderer fund managed by Gregor Proteus & Rechtsanwälte Partner
  results of distruction arranged by Gregor & Proteus 

our things were put in the tent which is now destroyed, we have informed our landlords on 03-12-2018





 See below






And what the authorities say
The Vienna authorities' standpoint.
"all illigal" but nobody does anything







2018 expelled to the Tent  

The  house we rent was built during the second World War by the Russians Prisoners Of  War
The house surroundings are demolished , veranda removed and thing stored into a tent
The garden  contains a  aquatic biotope with rare amphibians who come to the place each year in spring to reproduce
After the death of our friend and landlord  Prof Wunderer the intimidation is initiated to get us out.




KONSTRUKTEURE    ( AKTEURE ) -  wir sind unbeteiligte OPFER
Who is Who in this Macheloike
Definition of collaborator [Merriam-Webster]
"a person who collaborates with another: such as
someone who works with another person or group"



we built botanical garden starting 2008  
starting 2016 people wanted to  move us out   
Here is how a lawyer group Telos tries to intimidate us   
we complained to authorities and the EU already in 2016
The EU is too weak, too frighten to ask for implementation of the EU values


EXPLOITERS of the illigal housing condition

Our landlord, Gregor & Proteus, rents us a house which is in an illigal state, The landlord did not put the house in the conditions prescribed  in 1996
Our landlord accepts unethical collaborators like Bontus





Bontus, Hausverwaltung, House Service, recruited by our landlord service our house. 
Bontus sevice lies and cheats
Bontus sevice lies and cheats, our supervisor, Mr Loh exposes the lies
Definition of collaborator [Merriam-Webster]
"a person who collaborates with another: such as
someone who works with another person or group" 


  CONTROLLERS of the Vienna Government 

Left: Mr Cech building control Vienna
Right; Mr Ludwig, the Major of Vienna
How authorithies are instrumentalized
Upon denounciation by  Mathias Koffer House Verwaltung the MA37 (building control) reviews the state of the building.
The owner of the house has to reinstate the house to the state prescribed in 1996
Mr. Cech left
Mr. Ludwig, right,  previously reponsiblee for Vienna Building Control


SVB Handels Gmbh steals electricity
Aktuelle Arbeit -SVB Handels Gmbh, demolition  started
The demoliton job is done by SVB Handels Gmbh recruited by Bontus House Service


built by the Russians POWs 

Das (Garten) Haus hat viele Geheimnisse
Im zweitenn
Weltkrieges  gebaut
Wir fanden
einige Texte in russischer Sprache
Da haben wir die Vergangenheit geschaut
Von Hand
Hinterblieben und andre Sachen
Es gibt noch viel
zu entdecken
Das Garten Haus hat viele Geheimnisse...
the house constructed during the second word war by Russsian prisoners of war.

- The house was build during the second World War.  The purpose was to protect owners from bombs.

- Later the house was "re-labled" as a Sauna/Garden house a larger house was built in front and recived the same number i.e. 97. The new house is visible on the picture to the left.

- After retirement from the UN and International Atomic Energy Agency we stayed near the near the Agricultural University, Boku. My main purpose was to save and take care of some rare and exotic plants I have collected - a small botanical garden. 

- We share our life between Stockholm, Vienna and Italy/Tarquinia, (The Swedish King Gustaf VI Adolf used to excavate Etruscan sites around Tarquinia )

- The  gardening was also of a gréat interest of Prof. Wunderer (see his photo below) whom I have known previously as he treated my son. He took active part in the gardening activates.

 - in fall 2015 Prof Wunderer passed away.

- Some of the plants needed protection for the winter, we have provideded a temporary winter cold protections as descripbed on the following page

Due to the local demand for the land some action were taken by local developers





the culture of corruption,Corruption, historical background, and more examples

how corruptive structures manipulated the authorities since decades









the e-mail 2018-11-26,
E-mails to the Vienna Building Authority (more will come)




  The old version of the site is available






















Our items thron inte a tent which the wind carried away





I have never experienced such a total lack of moral principles, shamelessness, lack of normal human decency, lack of respect another human beings, is this a shadows of the old times when holding to the moral values and personal integrity was not possible. The case below illustrates basic  human weakness,  a lack of civil courage and prosecution of any who is following freedom of speech and opinion so highly valued by the EU.