Vorau Retreat 27th April  2007

I would much appreciate if you could send me links to possibly other  web pages referring to other retreats or simply send the photos to me so I can put them on the web or maybe you could share notes you have taken, or give any help so we could collect all what was "lived" done and said)


Vorau Retreat 27th April  2007


Listening to new voices

Spirit of listening and openness




God knocking at our hearts, generous host, priceless gift for us who open our hearts

Cardinal Basil Hume


God is interested in our world, the life we lead, not just our spirit

Over spiritualized Christianity on our world


A Christian is one upon whom God’s spirit has come, it’s a definition of a human being


Action = good works

Faith was overly spiritualized i.e. to save your soul, no responsibility here on earth, for things, Must fight the cause of injustices, Marxism took up the care of people, Christianity neglected this role.



Deprivation = you don’t have because I’ve taken from you






Bishop Helder Camera     “Spiral of violence” 3 kinds

·   Structural violence

·   Institutional violence

·   Repressive violence

Very often what is legal is immoral

Other religions

Hinduism is at least as old as Judaism, Islam needs a Martin Luther, change will come from Iran, (his Muslim friends say this),


Guiterez     “Theology of Liberation

People who are under the boot, those who are suffering oppression

Jon Sobrino, University of Central America  (lots about him going at present Fr. Cyril talked a lot about him



“The gospel according to Solentinami by Ernesto Cardinale



The church in Europe is busy with religion it is not bothered with spirituality, as it should be.

There is a tremendous emptiness inside for many Europeans


The essence of being human is that you can not know the future






Forgiveness for wrongdoings, to see how she sincerely tries to do the best she can and means well in her heart (eternal confession) Dear Lord to see that.  That he will guide me in this transition period and never give me more then I can handle, that my fears will not overwhelm me in this ,to trust him and be able to let go.

Confession with Fr. Cyril 2007-04-28





Must take Jesus’ humanity seriously, he struggled like we did.






Means the worked became flesh, i.e. Jesus became flesh, took on a human form for our benefit, he therefore understands how it is down here


Incarnations = he emptied himself of his divine qualities and became fully human

When Jesus died on the cross he was not aware he was saving humanity, it was after the resurrection that he was aware of who he was.






Jesus didn’t know everything, God did

Predicate of God ??


Don’t attribute everything of Jesus to God

Jesus human


Father forgive them, for they know not what they do

Jesus human


Jesus did not know what was going to happen to him






Sins of commission are not such big things



Sins of omission, we don’t love, share, forgive enough



Most of our sins are of human frailty if you are serious about love, life , you don’t commit serious sins 

(Nice to know)




Mortal sin

Mortal sin is accumulates sins, its where you don’t care about anyone, anything it isn’t a one time thing with mortal sin



Mortal sin is an attitude and a very bad one



There are few times in our lives when we do an unloving act



When one doesn’t hurt people easily



The joy of knowing God through scripture is something I should experience


the church

Part of God’s mysterious plan for us i.e. the church


Psychology of faith

Jesus ad to grow into his messianic destiny, eventually  he got the message , he had to grow in self awareness, faith nor of us knows ourselves through and through, none of us understands ourselves thoroughly






If Jesus had true knowledge of his messianic identity, he has to give up being human.

Later in life





The salvific death of Jesus ??

From salvation


We are all beloved daughters and sons of God






When Jesus worked a miracle, he always said “your faith has healed you”



A miracle is a “sermon in action.”






“Miracles are kindness to our fellow man”






Human nature by definition does not know the future



We do not as human have a clear idea of God





Nature of Jesus

Monophysitism = meaning one nature, i.e. Jesus was this but was still God ???

(from the Greek monos meaning 'one, alone' and physis meaning 'nature')





Avator = takes on the form of a human being but is no human, i.e. St Bernadette apparition






When we ask God why he lets the world in such a state, that he let such dreadful things happen, He answers that he sends lots of good people to help






“Many waters cannot drown love” meaning love endures



How you will be saved is how much you love your brothers and sisters



I love Jesus, because I love him, we don’t do or say it because we be saved, our religion helps to save us

Fr .Cyril said,…


God’s message is that all that maters is how you reach out to your brothers and sisters in love



Real test that you love God is that you love my brothers and sisters around me, to forgive, to share, its not easy, but that is the idea






Catholic church creates its own problems by all this unnecessary secrecy


Love your neighbour

You can be anything, non believer, or anything else, its how you are with your fellow brothers and sisters, how you treat them with compassion

(difficult to do with some)


John’s gospel is the most beautiful, John realized Jesus was God and its filled him with amazement at the resurrection



“I am the truth, look at me and you will find your way to God”



The church is a community



The sacraments:  don’t forge them



Religions have to learn to be human





Knowing by words, knowing by experience

What arrogance that with words we can capture the essence of God completely, in relation to dogma as put forward by the Vatican



Language has its limitations i.e. declaration of love



Through the Blessed Eucharist we encounter Jesus i.e. Holy Communion






We apprehend God through the Blessed Eucharist therefore I must receive communion as much as I can



Most important is the dialogue of life, where you share a friendship with a person of another faith












Syro-Phoenician woman evangelizes Jesus

Conversation of Jesus with the Syrophenician Woman (arranged from Matthew and Mark):

The woman comes to the house where Jesus is in retirement; or meets Him and His disciples by the way.

The woman: “Have mercy on me, O Lord thou Son of David, my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.”

Jesus is silent, “He answered her not a word.”

The disciples: “Send her away; for she crieth after us.”

Jesus (to the woman): “I was not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

The woman (bowing before Him in worship): “Lord help me.”

Jesus: “Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it unto the dogs.”

The woman: “Yes, Lord: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children’s crumbs.”

Jesus: “O woman great is thy faith; for this saying go thy way; the devil is gone out of thy daughter.”

And her daughter was healed from that hour.


We may have hidden prejudices






Cynicism is the worst sin





Finding God

God comes into your life through other people



Jesus was concerned about the whole person , the total human person



We need something to hold on to, photo, token to hold on to, i.e. inner child, statues, my icon, teddy bear and image makes the absence less painful



Son of man, meaning belonging to all people



We must bring to him what is old and stale for Jesus to renew, our hearts, broken ones



Jesus was not a priest, he was a laymen, Jesus saw himself as a prophet, to be a prophet was a vocation, a special vocation among the Jews



The uniqueness of Christianity is Jesus, no other prophet claimed to be God





Priest’s role

The job of a priest is to take us to God, and bring God to us




Ecclesia = assembly hall



Kyria kos =house of the God (Greek)



Hermeneutics = science of interpretation



Apprehend = to touch only, touch the tip



Comprehend = to understand, to grasp

